E-ONE Displays 4×4 Pumper, Steel Aerial Platform Fire Truck at FDIC International

E-ONE apparatus on display at FDIC International 2016

INDIANAPOLIS, In—In one of Colorado’s most historic fire districts is a featured apparatus at EONE’s booth at FDIC International 2016. rnational Conference in Indianapolis on April 18-23. The Red, White and Blue Fire Protection District of Breckenridge, Colorado, will receive delivery on its all-new eMAX™ Cyclone II Pumper, made by E-ONE, a REV Group fire truck manufacturer based in Ocala, Florida. following the FDIC conference.

E-ONE’s newest eMAX pairs a Cummins ISX15 550-hp engine, Allison EVS4000P transmission, Dana Spicer 27,000-pound rear axle with power divider, and a Meritor 22,800-pound front drive axle. With all this of this unbridled power, the 30-foot-long eMAX has no trouble toting a 780-gallon UPF Poly III tank and providing up to a 1,500-gpm flow from the split-shaft midship pump.

E-ONE is also showcasing its HPS 100 steel platform. This steel platform boasts the same 2.5 to 1 structural safety factor as other E-ONE aerials. The HPS 100 Platform meets the demand of steel-preferring departments with its 100-foot vertical reach and 1,305-pound platform capacity. The HPS 100 Platform features the most innovative technologies to keep crews safe, while the crisscross, under-slung outriggers deploy to a tight 15′ 6″ spread in less than 45 seconds, allowing it to go where other aerials can’t, and all in industry-leading record time.

In addition, E-ONE will showcase its latest Advanced Aerial Control System (AACS). E-ONE will feature this advanced system on the CR 100 Cyclone II, already well known for its tip-load performance at low-angles. Available on all E-ONE aerial ladder and platform products in basic and deluxe versions, E-ONE’s Advanced Aerial Control System features electric/hydraulic controls for smooth operation, including control from the aerial’s tip, and pump panel.

Meanwhile, E-ONE’s Deluxe AACS features a full-color aerial information system display, a wireless aerial and outrigger controls, body protection and cradle assist are standard as well as a feature that allows the operator to select from one of three ramp settings (¼, ½ and ¾ seconds), plus many other upgrades.

E-ONE will have an interactive graphic outside and attendees will be offered a photo opportunity of holding up an E-ONE truck.  The REV group 20,000-sq-ft booth with all the REV Companies in one booth.

For more information, visit www.e-one.com.

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