The Yatesville Volunteer Fire Department is in need of equipment, and Chief Billy Lee hopes the Upson County Commissioners will provide the funds needed through the SPLOST funds.
In the current SPLOST, $500,000 has been earmarked for use by the six VFD’s to purchase equipment. But previous requests for equipment by other VFD’s have been turned by the commissioners because they say the requests do not meet the state guidelines, which state the funds can only be used for buildings and vehicles. Lee hopes his request will meet a different outcome.
“We came up with a list of stuff that is a need. It is not a want, it is a need,” the chief said. “I’d like Ronnie, Shane, the mayor and myself to go sit down with the county manager and our county representative (Ralph Ellington) and present this on behalf of the Yatesville Fire Department. It is roughly around $63,000. And I have quotes on all of these.”
When a concern about the list of items meeting the county’s approval came up, Council member and former fire chief Ronnie Riggins noted that the county has not said what could be approved.
Mayor Cecil Moncrief added they hope to convince the county that these are needed items.
The list of items includes a 40-foot shipping container. Chief Lee said they want to use the container for training purposes.
Mayor Moncrief added that training outside of Yatesville puts the town at risk.
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