WV Governor Signs Bill Allocating $4M for New Firefighting Equipment



West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice held a ceremony Monday, Aug. 14 at the state Division of Forestry (WV DOF) Region Four Headquarters in Beckley, where he signed SB 1032, which passed in the recent Special Session of the West Virginia Legislature, providing $4 million toward new equipment. 

During the signing, Gov. Justice also announced the Region Four office will be renamed the Cody J. Mullens Region Four Headquarters. Mullens, 28, of Mt. Hope was killed in the line of duty in April 2023 while working to contain a forest fire near Montgomery. His family was present at the event and received ceremonial bills in his honor.

“This year, we mourned the tragic loss of this brave West Virginian who gave his life to protect our state and her people. Today, we honor his life, his service and his sacrifice,” Gov. Justice said. “This bill will help our brave foresters get the equipment they need to continue to be on the front line of defense, both during spring and fall fire seasons and throughout the year.”

These funds will be used to purchase equipment to assist WV DOF foresters in fighting wildfires. The new equipment will include woodland dozers, fire engines, water tank trucks, Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTVs), and thermal drones. 

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