Thermal Imaging: Back to Basics


One of the most undesirable roles in today’s fire service is conducting fire prevention inspections. Dealing with the public, walking through buildings, and writing reports sound like fun. No, they’re not, but they must be done, so let’s see what we can do to make them more enjoyable for you.

Off you go with the required tools in hand to conduct your proper fire prevention inspections including a clipboard, tape measure, flashlight, camera, etc. Wait, did I just say camera? Yes, I did, but it’s a 35-mm kind of camera. Have you considered using a thermal imager (TI)? A TI is another valuable tool for inspections. Can you see everything through your naked eye including hidden potential hazards that you are supposed to be identifying?

Businesses like to decorate for special occasions, which means lots of decorations, lights inside and outside, power bars, and a massive amount of those unsightly extension cords. As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind,” and those extension cords are buried under carpets, tucked in behind cabinets or furniture, and so on. Let’s also consider what condition those extension cords are in. Are they new? Or, are they older, with dried-out plastic that is cracked and just waiting to overheat and catch fire?


Based on your firefighting experience, bringing a TI with you during these fire prevention inspections would make your job that much easier, don’t you think? You see with your naked eye, but the TI detects infrared heat, which your eyes cannot see unless you physically reach out and touch it. Sure, go ahead and bend over and crawl under that desk to touch the wiring. Or, stand back and look with your TI and have confirmation and temperature measurement at your fingertips. Better yet, if your TI has a built-in digital video recorder (DVR), take a picture or video for your file and record keeping.


Occupied property inspections are conducted to ensure that the structures meet the locally adopted building and fire codes. The public looks at firefighters as subject matter experts, and our focus is on preventing fires and eliminating safety hazards. During your inspections, taking a periodic look with your TI gives you confirmation of where the heat sources are and how hot they are. You can now determine, based on your experience, if it’s a concern or if it meets code. An overloaded electrical outlet may cause a pile of cardboard boxes in the back room to appear OK, but what you don’t see is the baseboard heater behind those boxes. You can verify that through the lens of the TI without having to climb through all those boxes. A TI can make your job easier.

Other potential fire hazards are overheated breakers on an electrical panel and the heat signature emitted from an extension cord under the carpet, which is constantly being walked on. These are potential fire hazards that can be detected using a TI. Think about your large appliances such as dryers and ovens. Are they wired correctly?

As I have preached the gospel about thermal imaging before, practice makes perfect. If you don’t have a lot of experience using a TI, start at your desk in the fire station. Look at the obvious with your naked eye and compare the differences with the TI. Look at your computer and electrical outlets and determine what you didn’t see with your naked eye. Now, walk around as if you were walking through a commercial building inspection and identify what and where the potential hazards are hiding. You want to be professional when conducting your inspections, so the more experience and knowledge you have using a TI, the better inspector you will be.

Fire department roles and responsibilities can change in your community, but certain things do not, such as education, enforcement, and inspection. Use the tools that are available to you, and if your fire prevention division does not have a TI or does not have access to one, purchase one. TIs have gotten smaller, lighter, and more affordable over the years—you can’t afford not to have or use one.

hot spot detected
1 A hot spot detected, from a heater too close to a wall. (Photos courtesy of Bullard..)
power adapter
2 A power adapter and a computer WiFi terminal.

MANFRED KIHN is a 19-year veteran of the fire service, having served as an ambulance officer, emergency services specialist, firefighter, captain, and fire chief. He has been a member of Bullard’s Emergency Responder team since 2005 and is the company’s fire training specialist for thermal imaging technology. He is certified through the Law Enforcement Thermographers’ Association (LETA) as a thermal imaging instructor and is a recipient of the Ontario Medal for Firefighters Bravery. If you have questions about thermal imaging, email him at

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