Due to safety regulations, Romulus Fire Department can no longer use some of its outdated gear and equipment.

But firefighters hope their “brotherhood” in foreign countries can put the items to use.
Kevin Krause, deputy fire chief, said the gear and equipment no longer meet the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association, which deems the equipment unsafe for use for firefighters here.
However, such standards do not apply to needy third-world countries. The department, with the support of the city administration, has donated the items to the International Fire Relief Mission in Hazel Green, Kentucky.

Krause said the mission collects old gear and ships it to firefighters in need in foreign lands.

The equipment includes various fire hoses, fire backboards, old nozzles and fittings. Gear, such as helmets, hoods, gloves, boots, coats, pants and jumpsuits, also has been donated.

The items were wrapped for shipping on pallets. Freddie Block, of family-owned Block’s Stand and Greenhouse, used a forklift to load the pallets into trucks from Con-way Freight.

Antoine Seegars, a driver and trainer for Con-way Freight, transported the pallets from the fire station on Eureka Road to Con-way’s headquarters in Romulus. Other drivers transported the freight to Con-way’s location in Cincinnati and then on to Kentucky.
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