National Foam has announced that it will discontinue the sale of all PFAS-based foam concentrates into the State of California effective January 1, 2021.
National Foam UniversalF3 Green® 3% X 3% synthetic fluorine-free foam concentrate has proven to be the replacement of choice for end users in the industrial, chemical, and oil and gas sectors.
UniversalF3 Green® offers UL/ULC and LASTfire listings on both hydrocarbon and polar solvent in fresh and saltwater. The only fluorine-free foam currently available with this breadth of third-party listings, UniversalF3 Green® foam concentrate has proven to be effective in both legacy and new fixed systems with numerous hardware cross listings, including bladder tanks, proportioners, foam making sprinklers and various discharge devices. UniversalF3 Green® is one of the first fluorine-free foam concentrates to be third-party GreenScreen™ certified, providing independent assurance to end-users that the product is PFAS- free and avoids other known chemicals of concern.
National Foam MuniF3 Green Plus® 3% synthetic fluorine-free foam concentrate has been designed specifically for the municipal firefighting sector. MuniF3 Green Plus® offers UL/ULC listings on hydrocarbon fires and covers various blends of gasoline, from unblended (i.e. sport racing) through E5, E10, and up to E15 (i.e. 15% ethanol/gasoline blend) and can be used with fresh and brackish water. MuniF3 Green Plus® can also be used as a wetting agent on class A (Wildlands) fires, cross listed with the JS-10 handline nozzle and is GreenScreen™ certified.
National Foam “RED ALERT®” service, with warehousing facility located in California, has removed all PFAS-based foam concentrates and will support the industrial, chemical, and oil and gas sectors with its UL/ULC and LASTfire listed UniversalF3 Green® foam concentrate.
About National Foam
National Foam is the recognized leader of firefighting foam systems which end-users have come to rely on. Capabilities include R&D, custom system design, field technical support, foam concentrates and foam hardware for fixed and mobile response systems. National Foam supports customers over a wide range of sectors including major oil and petrochemical companies, international airports, military bases, power stations, harbors and ports, and local municipal fire and rescue services.
For more information about National Foam UniversalF3 Green® and MuniF3 Green Plus® fluorine-free
foam concentrates, visit or contact your local salesperson.