We are all devastated by what is happening in our world today and know that it is having a real impact on all of you. We also know firefighters and EMT’s continue to be on the front line in this new fight against the coronavirus. FDIC International would like to honor and recognize our manufacturers who are going above and beyond to supply first responders and healthcare professionals in our communities.

Tell Us What You Are Doing to Help During COVID-19

We’d like to know what you’re doing to support your local communities or the fire & rescue industry specifically, please share them by filling out the form at fdic.com or tagging @FDICINDY, @EMSTODAY, @fireengineering, @jemsmedics, @fireapparatus, or @firenation on social media and using #STRONGERTOGETHER.

QTAC Sigtronics
Rescue 42 Federal Signal
HOT Shields Will Burt
United Plastic Fabricating, Inc. Kochek Company, LLC
MSA Safety Mercury Medical
Adashi Systems LLC Ajax Rescue Tools
Coxreels Polaris Government Defense
Elide Fire USA EVS Ltd.
Extendobed Columbia Southern University
MagneGrip Group Pulsara
Mattress Firm Cummins
CrowdRx Ward Diesel Filter Systems
Boise Mobile Equipment HME Ahrens-Fox
Task Force Tips Lighthouse Uniform Company
Harrison Hydra-Gen Emergency Reporting
Hannay Reels Inc ZOLL
OHP Darley
Platinum Educational Group Petzl
TEEX Sleep Number
Drager Iamresponding
Resqjack Kussmaul
Plymovent Laerdal Medical
Hi-Lift Jack Company